Hello friends today, let’s decorate our bag with cactus with the amigurumi technique we knit ourselves.
We have a bag that we can carry very stylishly beside amigurumi toys. I hope you will enjoy knitting.
Approx = Approximately
Beg = Beginning
Ch = Chain(s)
PM = Place marker
Rep = Repeat
RS = Right side
Sc = Single crochet
Scbl = Single crochet in back
loop only of next stitch.
Sl st = Slip stitch
St(s) = Stitch(es)
Tog = Together
WS = Wrong side
Lily® Sugar’n Cream® (2.5 oz/70.9 g; 120 yds/109 m)
Main Color (MC) Soft Ecru (01004)5 balls or 600 yds/545 m
Contrast A Hot Green (01712)1 ball or 50 yds/46 m
Contrast B Teal (01133)1 ball or 19 yds/17 m
Contrast C Seabreeze (01201)1 ball or 41 yds/37 m
Contrast D Tangerine (01699)1 ball or 13 yds/12 m
Contrast E Rose Pink (00046)1 ball or 24 yds/22 m
Contrast F Tea Rose (00042)1 ball or 15 yds/14 m
Approx 15″ [38 cm] square,
excluding handles and fringe
13 sc and 14 rows = 4″ [10 cm].
Note: Tote Body is worked at in
one piece. Handles are worked
in 2 pieces and seamed to WS of
Tote Body before Body is folded
and sides are seamed.
With MC, ch 50.
1st row:
(RS). 1 sc in 2nd ch from
hook. 1 sc in each ch to end of
chain. Turn. 49 sc.
2nd row:
Ch 1. 1 sc in each sc across. Turn.
Rep 2nd row ; until piece from beg
measures 15″ [38 cm], ending on a WS row.
Next row: (Fold line-RS). Ch 1.
1 scbl in each sc across. PM at beg
and end of row to mark fold line.Turn.
Next row: Ch 1. 1 sc in each sc
across. Turn.
Rep last row until piece from beg
measures 16½” [42 cm], ending on a WS row.
Proceed with chart on page 3 as
Note: When working from chart,
wind small balls of the colors to
be used, one for each separate
area of color in design. Start new
colors at appropriate points. To
change color, work to last 2 loops
on hook of ‑ rst color.
Draw new color through last 2 loops and
proceed in next color.
1st to 40th rows: Work rows 1 to
40 of Chart in sc, reading
RS rows from right to left and WS
rows from left to right.
Next row: (RS). With MC, ch 1. 1 sc
in each sc across. Turn.
Rep last row until piece from beg
measures 30″ [76 cm], ending on a
WS row.Fasten o .
HANDLES (make 2);
With MC, ch 170.
1st row: (RS). 1 sc in 2nd ch from
hook. 1 sc in each ch to end of
chain. Turn. 169 sc.
2nd row: Ch 1. 1 sc in each sc
across. Turn.
Rep 2nd row until Handle
measures 2″ [5 cm] wide.
Fasten o .
Embroidery (see Embroidery Diagram on page 3):
With A, embroider ridges on Cactus #1 using chain stitch as
seen in diagram.With C, embroider ridges on
Cactus #2 using chain stitch as seen in diagram.
With B, embroider ridges
Attach Handles: With Body at and WS facing, attach handles
to Body as seen in Assembly
Diagram on page 4. Align short edges of handles along Fold Line
(as indicated by markers) 2½“ [6.5 cm] from side edge of Body.
Be sure not to twist Handles. Pin Handles in place. With MC, sew
edges of Handles in place through WS of Body sts making sure yarn
does not show on RS of Body.
Seam side edges:
Fold Body in half along fold line with WS facing each other. Join MC with
sl st at corner to seam ‑ rst side of Tote. Ch 1. Working through both
thicknesses, work sc evenly across. Fasten o . Rep on opposite side.
Pompoms ;(make 2 with D, make 1 each with E and F) Wind yarn around 3 ‑ ngers
approx 50 times. Tie tightly in the middle and leave a long end
for attaching to Tote. Cut loops at both ends and trim to smooth
round shape. Sew securely to top of cacti as seen in photo.
Fringe: Cut strands of C, D, E, and F 6″ [15 cm] long. Taking 4 strands
tog (1 of each color), fold in half and knot into fringe in every other
rem loop along Fold Line. Trim Fringe evenly.