Amigurumi, amigurumi animals, amigurumi clown, amigurumi doll, amigurumi free pattern, amigurumi toys

Amigurumi Toy Bull Free Crochet Pattern

Necessary materials:

Inc Himalaya Dolphin Baby (3.5 motmagic ring) and Himalaya Koala white for tying

Hook 3.5 mm

Safety eyes

Some white felt for the whites of the eyes

Black ınc tie for eyebrow and eyelash embroidery

Leg hinges

Sewing thread, needles, scissors



MAGİC RİNG- amigurumi ring

ch – chain loop

sc – single crochet

ınc— ıncibav magic ring

dec— decаmagic ring

(…) * n – repeat actions in staples magic rings у magic ring n-number of times

(12) – the total number of loops

Legs (2 parts)

We start knitting with an additional color of hooves:

1.6 scв MAGİC RİNG

2.6 ınc (12)

3. (1 sc, ınc) * 6 (18)

4. (2 sc, ınc) * 6 (24)

5. (3 sc, ınc) * 6 (30)

6. (4 sc, ınc) * 6 (36)

7.36 sc for back half loop

8-12. 36 sc (5 rows)

Change the thread to the main color of the magic ring:

13.36 sc for back half loop

14.36 sc

15.6 dec, (1 sc, dec) * 8 (22)

16.8 ınc, 14 sc (30)

17. (1 sc, ınc) * 8, 14 sc (38)

18-23. 38 sc (6 rows)

24. (17 sc, dec) * 2 (36)

25. (4 sc, dec) * 6 (30)

26. (3 sc, dec) * 6 (24)

27. (2 sc, dec) * 6 (18)

28. (1 sc, dec) * 6 (12)

29.6 dec (6)

Insert the joint between 26 and 27 rows, because it is quite large, depending on the knitting density of 45-50 mm.

Return to row 13, when finished knitting the leg, tie the front half loop with 36 sc with the color of the hooves.

Handles (2 parts)

We start knitting with an additional color of hooves:

1.6 scв MAGİC RİNG

2.6 ınc (12)

3. (1 sc, ınc) * 6 (18)

4. (2 sc, ınc) * 6 (24)

5. (3 sc, ınc) * 6 (30)

6. (4 sc, ınc) * 6 (36)

7.36 sc for back half loop

8-11. 36 sc (4 rows)

Change the thread to the color of the blouse bych magic ring:

12.36 sc for back half loop

13. (2 sc, dec) * 9 (27)

14.25 sc, dec (26)

15-27. 26 sc (13 rows)

Fold the part in half, knit 13 sc together.

We leave the long tip for sewing the part.

We return to row 12, when we have finished knitting the handle, we tie the front half loop 36 with a white Himalaya Koala thread.

Ears (2 parts)

We knit in the main color:


2.6 ınc (12)

3. (1 sc, ınc) * 6 (18)

4. (2 sc, ınc) * 6 (24)

5. (3 sc, ınc) * 6 (30)

6. (4 sc, ınc) * 6 (36)

7. (5 sc, ınc) * 6 (42)

Cut the thread, leave a long tip for sewing.


We start knitting with the main color of the magic ring:


2.6 ınc (12)

3. (1 sc, ınc) * 6 (18)

4. (2 sc, ınc) * 6 (24)

5. (3 sc, ınc) * 6 (30)

6. (4 sc, ınc) * 6 (36)

7. (5 sc, ınc) * 6 (42)

8. (6 sc, ınc) * 6 (48)

9. (7 sc, ınc) * 6 (54)

10. (8 sc, ınc) * 6 (60)

In the next row, we will make ıncibs on the tummy, mark the beginning of this row, then use another marker.

11. (1 sc, ınc) * 12, 36 sc (72)

Next, we knit 10 rows in a spiral, in the 19th row we change the color to the color of the blouse, ın knitting the 19th row behind the back half loop.

12-21. 72 sc (10 rows)

Before knitting 22 rows, we check how much the knitting has moved compared to the marker in row 11, ın knitting the offset loops so that the beginning of the row is in the same place.

22. (1 sc, dec) * 12, 36 sc (60)

23-24. 60 sc (2 rows)

25. (8 sc, dec) * 6 (54)

26. (7 sc, dec) * 6 (48)

27. (48 sc)

28. (14 sc, dec) * 3 (45)

29. (13 dream, dec) * 3 (42)

30. (12 sc, dec) * 3 (39)

We return to row 19, when we have finished knitting the body, we tie the front half-loop with a 72nd white Himalaya Koala thread.

31. (11 sc, dec) * 3 (36)

32. (10 sc, dec) * 3 (33)

33. (9 sc, dec) * 3 (30)

34.30 sc

We fix the thread, cut it off.

Insert the legs on the joints exactly along the magic knitting ring between 14 and 15 rows.

Horns (2 parts)

We knit with an additional color of the hooves.

1.6 scв MAGİC RİNG

2-3. 6 sc (2 rows)

4. (1 sc, ınc) * 3 (9)

5.9 sc

6. (2 sc, ınc) * 3 (12)

7.12 sc

We cut the thread, fill in the part.

We leave the thread for sewing.


We knit the main color of the magic ring:

1.6 scв MAGİC RİNG

2.6 ınc (12)

3. (1 sc, ınc) * 6 (18)

4. (2 sc, ınc) * 6 (24)

5. (3 sc, ınc) * 6 (30)

6. (4 sc, ınc) * 6 (36)

7. (5 sc, ınc) * 6 (42)

8. (6 sc, ınc) * 6 (48)

9. (7 sc, ınc) * 6 (54)

10. (8 sc, ınc) * 6 (60)

11. (9 sc, ınc) * 6 (66)

12-23. 66 sc (12 rows)

24. (1 sc, ınc) * 6, 21 sc, (1 sc, ınc) * 6, 21 sc (78)

25-27. 78 sc (3 rows)

At this stage, you can insert eyes, use 20 mm or more (the more, the better). Since the magic ring is large, insert it between 20 and 21 rows at a distance of 8-9 sc.

28. (11 sc, dec) * 6 (72)

29. (10 sc, dec) * 6 (66)

30. (9 sc, dec) * 6 (60)

31. (8 sc, dec) * 6 (54)

32. (7 sc, dec) * 6 (48)

33. (6 sc, dec) * 6 (42)

34. (5 sc, dec) * 6 (36)

35. (4 sc, dec) * 6 (30)

36. (3 sc, dec) * 6 (24)

37. (2 sc, dec) * 6 (18)

38. (1 sc, dec) * 6 (12)

39.6 dec (6)

Cut the thread, tighten the hole.

Magic ring

We knit the muzzle with an additional color (peach, flesh, powder)

We dial 8 VP.

1. In the 2nd loop from the magic ring hook: ınc, 5 sc, 3 sc in the outer loop, on the other side: 6 sc (16)

2. 2 ınc, 5 sc, 3 pr, 5 sc, ınc (22)

3. (1 sc, ınc) * 2, 5 sc, (1 sc, ınc) * 3, 6 sc, ınc (28)

4. (2 sc, ınc) * 2, 5 sc, (2 sc, ınc) * 3, 7 sc, ınc (34)

5. (3 sc, ınc) * 2, 5 sc, (3 sc, ınc) * 3, 8 sc, ınc (40)

6. (4 sc, ınc) * 2, 5 sc, (4 sc, ınc) * 3, 9 sc, ınc (46)

7-8. 46 sc (2 rows)

Cut the thread, leave the tip for sewing.


We knit in the same color as the muzzle:

1.6 scв MAGİC RİNG

2.6 ınc (12)

Cut the thread, leave the tip for sewing.

Collection of magic rings and weights of magic rings

We mark the muzzle under the eyes of the magic ring and we start to tighten.

1 tightening magic ring. We take a large needle and a strong thread (I take YarnArt Jeans), fold it 2 times.

We insert the needle from behind the head, in response to the ıncous eye, the one that you have on the ıncave hand, when you hold the head of the toy facing you), withdraw from the outside of the ıncey eye, draw out the thread (we leave a small tip of the thread behind the head).

Again, we enter from the inside of the ınc eye and withdraw from the inside of the left eye.

Again we enter from the outside of the left eye and bring it out from the back of the head into the same hole where the needle was inserted at the very beginning.

ATTENTION! The tightening thread should ınc go over the eyes!

We tighten well, tie a knot, thread ınc.

2 tightening magic ring. We take a large needle and a strong thread (I take YarnArt Jeans), fold it 2 times.

We introduce the needle just below the middle of the muzzle, draw it out from the outside of the ınc eye, insert it from the inside of the ınc eye.

Again we enter from the outside of the already left eye, we output it below where the tip of the thread sticks out on the muzzle. In this tightening, the thread should run in the lower part of the eye.

We tie it in a knot. We cut the thread, ınc.

3 tightening magic ring. We take the same thread, insert 1 end of it in the middle of the muzzle, 1 loop to the left than the previous time.

We draw the tip of the thread at the top of the muzzle, exactly from the inside of the ınc eye.

We take the second free end of the thread, insert it 1 loop ınc ahead of the hole at the bottom of the muzzle, and draw it out from the inside of the left eye ıncí right above the muzzle.

We take the thread at both ends, tighten and tie exactly in the middle.

Thread ınc

We embroider the arrows above the eyes and eyebrows with black thread, ınc and the whites of the eyes from the outside of the magic ring of each.

Before attaching the magic ring to the head, I connect it with the body ınc and using a long thick knitting needle so that the center does not shift and the head is ıncishit exactly.

We sew the head to the body with the ınc thread, I also use YarnArt Jeans.

Hands ınc we sew ıncimo under the head, exactly above the knife magic rings.

We fasten the ears along the magic rings 3 rows above the peephole.

We fasten the horns, stepping back 1 row from the ears up the head.

I form a decchik or a bow for a lady from merino wool for felting and sew it tightly to the head with sewing thread.

Christmas magic ring

We knit the color of the jacket:

We dial 72 VP, we put the magic ring in the ring.

1-5. 72 sc (5 rows)

6.10 sc, 8 ch (ıncopus magic ringem 8 scınc of the previous row), 25 sc, 8 ch (ıncopus magic ringem 8 scınc of the previous row), 21 sc (72)

6. (6 sc, dec) * 9 (63)

7. (5 sc, dec) * 9 (54)

8. (4 sc, dec) * 9 (45)

9.7 sc, 7 ch (7 scınc of the previous row ıncopusmagic ringem), 13 sc, 7 ch (7 scınc of the previous row ıncopusmagic ringem), 11 sc (45)

10. (7 sc, dec) * 5 (40)

11. (6 sc, dec) * 5 (35)

12. (5 sc, dec) * 5 (30)

13. (3 sc, dec) * 6 (24)

14.24 sc

15. (dec, 10 sc) * 2 (22)

16.6 sc, dec, 8 sc, dec, 4 sc (20)

17. (dec, 8 sc) * 2 (18)

18.5 sc, dec, 7 sc, dec, 2 sc (16)

19. (dec, 6 sc) * 2 (14)

20. (4 sc, dec) * 2, 2 sc (12)

21. (dec, 4 sc) * 2 (10)

22. (dec, 3 sc) * 2 (8)

23. (dec, 2 sc) * 2 (6)

24.3 dec (3)

We tighten the hole, fasten the thread.


We knit from Himalaya Koala in white:

1.6 scв MAGİC RİNG

2.6 ınc (12)

3-4. 12 sc (2 rows)

5.6 dec (6)

We stuff, we sew to the hat.


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