What is required:
* Hook number 2-for the doll’s body
* Hook No. 1.5 – for knitting clothes and shoes
* For the doll’s body – Vita cotton Charm, 100% cotton, 50g / 106m-color 4153 = 2 motmagic ring
(can be replaced with GAZZAL Baby Cotton, milky color, Pecherka Pearl (but knit in two
* For clothes and shoes – Vita cotton LIRA, 50g / 150m – white 5001, mint 5028, beige 5012, golden
5022 = 1 skein.
* For the upper tier of the skirt Threads NAKO Mia, 50g / 170m-pink 2578. Nako Mia can be replaced
on Pecherka pearl, the threads are very similar. Again, by motmagic rings we are guided. One will be
thin fabric and hook 1.5 and if you knit in two threads you need two motmagic ring and hook number 2.
* Hair threads – yellow color. You can take any suitable ones. The hair will be knitted, therefore
The nitmagic ring should not be thick. I have Alpina Tomi’s magic ring. You can take SOSO or Pechorka
* PVA glue magic ring It will be necessary to cut out the pattern from the template. Glue on the contour
ınc backs to glue to make small details of the magic ring easier to cut on gabardine
Floss firm riolis (wool), you can half-wool with acrylic.
Mouline thread DMS for knitting eyes (choose pastel colors)
2 white
3-color iris (I have a pale brown color)
Needles for embroidery.
Threads of gold and silver color (thread for machine embroidery).
Holofiber filler.
Plastic for the insoles in the legs (optional).
Scissors and needle for stitching parts.
Base metal ring gold color for the ring.
A little white wool for felting or a fancy boucle thread for clouds.
For the second set of clothes Bahara-100gr = 260m, 1 motmagic ring is enough. We will knit overalls and a jacket. You can take other threads of color
jeans, but look at the footage so that you have enough.
For knitting hair, you can also use threads with a gradient or plain.
Embroidery floss Needles for embroidery 10-28. These ınc needles are set. All needles with a sharp end. That’s all I wanted to say
numbers. You can take one set to begin with. And try it. It’s convenient for you to use a magic ring
Rainbow or Riolis
For embroidery unicornsWhiteBlackPink
BlueTurquoiseHighlightedDark YellowLight YellowPinkDark Pink For rainbow, select the colors of the rainbow.
This girl can be magical ring to print on gabardine. Prints any drawings. I called magic ring at her
unicorns. In order not to paint on the non-woven.
A gabardine will be printed, the colors will already be visible.
The size in height of the drawing of the magic ring in the magic ring is 5-6cm. If unicornmagic ring with a rainbow then 7cm.
You can choose the drawings that I ınc suggested to you, or you can send your unicorns to her
drawings. She places all this on the gabardine, you need a magic ring.
The image is applied by thelimitation method: it is NOT a captive ring on top of felt, ınc
directly fiber material! Special decontamination inks and decontamination paper are used.
For the base used hard Korean felt with a thickness of 1.2 mm, 2 mm or gabardine 160g / m
Not toxic! Not afraid of water and moisture, paints do not flow!
It is possible to print other images according to your desire! It is negotiated individually.
Colors may vary slightly depending on the color reproduction of the monitor.
Includes a magic ring; see the quantity of material used.
Gabardine sheet 20 * 30cm with ıncint – 80рdec.
Also, you can immediately ask her a magic ring to draw a picture of butterflies, you like magic rings. They are best printed on
thin felt.
ch – air loop
sc – single crochet
dc crochet
ınc – ıncibmagic ring
make dec – decavmagic ring decavings using the ıncopusmagic ring 1 loop method. ss – connecting column
hdc double crochet
ch-lift air loop
1ps offset loop (a number indicates the number of offset loops)
half loop
1p-6sc at MAGİC RİNG
2p-ıncx 6 times = 12
7p-3sc, dec, 4sc, dec, 3sc = 12
Do not stuff your hand with filler!
Next, fold the knitting and knit for both halves of the palm 4sc, the magic ring would be stitching the fabric. But not
for both loops, and the front and back paragraphs.
So we got a fold.
8p-8sc in a circle of the formed chain-3sc, ınc, 3sc = 8
We put a marker.
9p-1sc, ınc, 3sc, ınc, 2sc = 10
10p-2sc, ınc, 6sc, ınc = 12
11-18r-12sc- 8 rows + 3ps-move, the marker on the side.
ELBOW Next, fold the knitting and ınc knit for both halves of 5sc, the magic ring would be stitching the fabric. But not for both
eyelets, and the front and back paragraphs. Magic ring we did it on a palm.
19р-10sc in a circle of the formed chain-4sc, ınc, 4sc = 10
Including a set on a chain, the magic ring loops may get lost, that’s okay, you can in the next row
ıncost add it by making the extra ınc.
20p-4sc, ınc, 4sc, ınc = 12
21-28r-12sc-8 ranks
To fill.
Knit the second handle similarly to the first.
Cut the thread about 20 cm (then we will ıncish the pens).
Pens to postpone (I recommend that all knitting details be decanted into a bag so that they don’t get a magic ring).
1p-Dial 9 ch, with 2 from the hook magic ring loop ınc, 6sc, 4sc in the last p. Of the chain, on the other side
6sc, ınc. ss we do not do a loop, we immediately knit sc of the next row.
In the magic ring, we tie 1ps to each row of ınc, and put a marker in it.
In the remaining rows do the same. The loop under the marker is considered the first loop of the row.
If the next row starts with ınc, then put the marker in the first loop of ınc
2p-ınc, 1sc, ınc, 4sc, ınc, 1sc, 2ınc, 1sc, ınc, 4sc, ınc, 1sc, ınc = 28
3p- (1sc, ınc) x 2 times, 6sc, (1hdc, ınc.hdc) x 4 times, 6sc, (ınc, 1sc) x 2 times = 36
4p-18sc, 2ınc, 16sc = 38
5p-4sc, ınc, 6sc, (ınc.hdc, 2hdc) x 6 times, 9sc = 46
6p-2ps, turn the knitting inside out and knit in the opposite direction using the ss stitch method, chain stitch = 46
7p-46sc for the back pp. formed braids.
Next, we knit sc with magic rings – video
IMPORTANT! In the magic ring, we tie 1ps to each row of ınc, and put a marker in it. In the magic ring, every row I do right away
loop bias, but it is the first in the account of the next row. Marker in the back in the middle.
In the remaining rows do the same. The loop under the marker is considered the first loop of the row.
If the next row starts with ınc or dec, then put the marker in the first loop of ınc or
We make all decavings using the ınc method; the magic ring of one loop ın of the previous row – ınc
ınc knit sc and this sc will be the first in the row loop count.
11p-dec, 44 = 45
12p-10sc, (dec (ıncoplace the loop), and immediately tie 2sc) x 9 times, 8sc = 36
13p-dec, 34sc = 35
Cut the insole from a dense material, preferably plastic, then the doll can be washed. I AM
cut out from a folder for documents. Included in magic ring products.
Insert insole. Next, fill the leg with filler as you knit. Stuff very tightly.
14p-9sc, (dec, 2sc) x 6 times, 8sc = 29
15p-dec, 7sc, (dec, 2sc) x 4 times, 9sc = 24
16p-dec (ıncoplace the loop) next ınc knit 6sc, dec (ıncopen the loop and ınc knit 1sc) x6 times, 5sc = 17
17p-37r-17sc-21ryad or 357sc in a circle without a marker
Cut the thread. Harbor.
Knit the second leg similarly to the first, but do not cut the thread!
View all images
Be careful! Decays are made using the ıncopusmagic ring loop method.
Inc knit ps along the ınc leg so that the beginning of the row is in the middle of the inside of the leg.
Make a jumper of 7 ch. Incure to the left foot from the inside.
1p-17sc on the left foot, 7sc on ch, 17sc on the ıncavoy, 4sc on ch, put the marker in the fourth sc,
exactly in the middle of the back = 48
If you lost a loop or vice versa you got an extra stitch, then ınc knit another row,
to account. Decrease or vice versa ınc add sc.
2-7p-48sc-6 rows
Fill the filler very tightly.
Further decavings will go exactly along bomagic rings.
Move the marker to the middle of the front. So we will knit a magic ring to the ass. And all the decavings don’t go
exactly on the side, and the magic ring would be on the pope, but located on the bamagic rings.
8p-11sc (front), dec, 24sc (spin ring), dec, 11sc (front) = 46
9p-11sc, dec, 22sc, dec, 11sc = 44
10p-11sc, dec, 20sc, dec, 11sc = 42
11p-11sc, dec, 18sc, dec, 11sc = 40
12p-11sc, dec, 16sc, dec, 11sc = 38
13p-11sc, dec, 14sc, dec, 11sc = 36
14p-11sc, dec, 12sc, dec, 11scbn = 34
15p-11sc, dec, 10sc, dec, 11sc = 32
16p-11sc, dec, 8sc, dec, 11sc = 30
17p-11sc, dec, 6sc, dec, 11sc = 28
18p-28scIf you knit from Sharma, then you also ran out of the magic ring on this row. Incconnecting new
pens and knit on.
To fill. Next, ınc knit 300sc in a circle without a marker.
Move the marker exactly to the middle of the back.
Hands fastening 1р-Count 5sc from the marker to the left, ıncish the pen to the body-4sc of the arm and 4sc of the body, then
count down 10sc in front, ıncish the handle to the body-4sc of the hand and 4sc of the body.
Next, knit all the loops of the body and the outer loops of the arm in a circle = 39 (hands ıncish, not
knit in the body. And so immediately we knit in a circle, and on the outer loops of the magic rings).
5p-8sc, 3sc together, 18sc, 3sc together, 7sc = 35
6p-7sc, 3sc together, 16sc, 3sc together, 6sc = 31
7p-7sc, 3sc together, (3sc, dec) x 3 times, 2sc, 3sc together, 4sc = 24
8p- (3sc, dec) x 6 times = 18
Stuff your arms and shoulders. Place the junction of the hands too. Ensure that everything is smooth.
9p- (3sc, dec) x 3 times, 6sc = 15
10-19p-15sc- 10 rows-neck
Insert a magic ringrmagic ringc into the neck, the material should not rust or dye. You can insert a wand for
sushi, 10 cm long, most of it is inserted in the body, the rest in the neck.
Pull the hole, hold the thread.
6sc in magic ring
1p- ıncx6 = 12
2p- (1sc, ınc) x 4 times, 4sc = 16
3-9p-16sc- (before stuffing, this part must be wrapped inside the head)
10p- (ınc) x 16 times = 32
11p- (2sc, ınc) x 10 times, 2sc = 42
12p- (ınc, 6sc) x 6 times = 48
13p- (7sc, ınc) x 6 times = 54
14p- (ınc, 8sc) x 6 times = 60
15p- (9sc, ınc) x 6 times = 66
16p- (ınc, 10sc) x 6 times = 72
17-26r-72sc-10 rows or 720sc in a circle without a marker
Next, we make decavings by ınc knitting two loops together.
27 (dec, 10sc) x 6 times = 66
28p- (9sc, dec) x 6 times = 60
29p- (dec, 8sc) x 6 times = 54
30p- (7sc, dec) x 6 times = 48
31p- (dec, 6sc) x 6 times = 42
32p- (5sc, dec) x 6 times = 36
33p- (dec, 4sc) x 6 times = 30
Stuff your head, but first you need to insert something suitable into the hole for the neck, I inserted
bottle with mascara. The diameter fit perfectly).
34p- (3sc, dec) x 6 times = 24
35p- (dec, 2sc) x 6 times = 18
36p- (1sc, dec) x 6 times = 12
37p-dec to the end – to harbor a thread.
Wig – girls magic ring unicorn magic ring.
Several colors of thread-lilac, gold
or turquoise, pink, pale green.
Or you can take rainbow colors.
Wig – yellow threads or yours
We knit all the rows in a spiral for the back section.
Hook number 2
Threads Alize diva batik-350m = 100g, color-3282
You can take another thread with the same meter
and weight.
You can not knit tight.
1p- ıncx6 = 12
2p- (1sc, ınc) x 6 times = 18
3p- (ınc, 2sc) x 6 times = 24
4p- (3sc, ınc) x 6 times = 30
5p- (ınc, 4sc) x 6 times = 36
6p- (5sc, ınc) x 6 times = 42
7p- (ınc, 6sc) x 6 times = 48
8p- (7sc, ınc) x 6 times = 54
9p- (ınc, 8sc) x 6 times = 60
10p- (9sc, ınc) x 6 times = 66
11p- (ınc, 10sc) x 6 times = 72
12p- (11sc, ınc) x 6 times = 78
Make ss to align the edge.
First, we knit along the edge, then go to the left paragraphs.
1p-50ch, from the second point from the hook magic ring 49cc, 1sc, repeat to the end of the row
The next rows are knit magic ring and 1p, ıncopusmagic ring and 3 rows. And ınci staggering.
Base under the rimBasic can be connected and all the details later
ınc write to the foundation.
Thread in hair color.
Dial 150ch
I bought a finished base under the rim. Average
part cut out to reduce volume.
Then she connected the parts with a plaster and
tied this part. Then ears, horn, and roses
ıncishil to the knitted piece.
All ınc discounts and rates are made in the usual way.
Ears – 2pcs;
White thread
1p-6sc at MAGİC RİNG
2p- (ınc, 2sc) x2 times = 8
4p- (1sc, ınc) x4 time = 12
5p- (3sc, ınc) x3 times = 15
6p- (4sc, ınc) x3 times = 18
10p- (dec, 1sc) x6 times = 12
Fold in half and sew the edges together. Not
stuff !!! Leave the thread to write to
the rim. Make magic ring tint in the middle
pink color.
1p-4sc at MAGİC RİNG
2p- (ınc) x4 = 8
5p- (ınc) x4 times, 4sc = 12
9p- (3sc, ınc) x3 times = 15
10p-ınc, 14sc = 16
To fill. Leave the thread for ıncoding to the rim.
TAG MAGİC RİNG unicorns Tie oval bottom, diameter
choose for yourself. Then tie in height
the desired number of rows in the last row
knit ss1n alternating ch so that you can
make strings.
Inc – holiday clothing –
Dress + embroiderymagic ring
Yellow Baby:
ch – air loop
sc – single crochet
dc crochet
ınc – ıncibmagic ring
make dec – decavmagic ring decavings using the ıncopusmagic ring 1 loop method.
ss – connecting column
hdc double crochet
ch-lift air loop
1ps offset loop (a number indicates the number of offset loops)
half loop
Wig – consists of three parts.
A yellow thread (I have a pechormagic ring openwork in 2 threads), you can take at your discretion.
1 part6sc in MAGİC RİNG
1p- ıncx6 = 12
2p- (1sc, ınc) x 6 times = 18
3p- (ınc, 2sc) x 6 times = 24
4p- (3sc, ınc) x 6 times = 30
5p- (ınc, 4sc) x 6 times = 36
6p- (5sc, ınc) x 6 times = 42
7p- (ınc, 6sc) x 6 times = 48
8p- (7sc, ınc) x 6 times = 54
9p- (ınc, 8sc) x 6 times = 60
10p- (9sc, ınc) x 6 times = 66
11p- (ınc, 10sc) x 6 times = 72
12p- (11sc, ınc) x 6 times = 78
Next, knit ıncadi-30ch, with the second from the hook magic ring, knit along chsc to the base. Repeat 12
times – the left side of the magic ring.
Next, ınc knit on the back of the head (1ch, 1sc) x 33 times.
Next, knit ıncadi-30ch, with the second from the hook magic ring, knit along chsc to the base. Repeat 12
times – ıncavy side of the wig magic ring.
Cut and fasten the thread.
2 part – 2 parts;
(balls), knit the same way.
1p- ıncx6 = 12
2p- (1sc, ınc) x 6 times = 18
3p- (ınc, 2sc) x 6 times = 24
4p- (3sc, ınc) x 6 times = 30
5p- (ınc, 4sc) x 6 times = 36
6p- (5sc, ınc) x 6 times = 42
7p- (ınc, 6sc) x 6 times = 48
8p- (7sc, ınc) x 6 times = 54
15p- (dec, 7sc) x 6 times = 48
16p- (6sc, dec) x 6 times = 42
17p- (dec, 5sc) x 6 times = 36
18p- (4sc, dec) x 6 times = 30
19p- (dec, 3sc) x 6 times = 24
Fill the filler.
20p- (2sc, dec) x 6 times = 18
21p- (dec, 1sc) x6 times = 12
Pull the hole, leave the thread for ıncopying. Fill the balls with filler.
Incorporate balls to the wig by imitating ponytails.
Tie bows from ribbons (optional).
ROMPER – (semi-overalls) – can be left in the form of a sundress.
Hook number 1.5
Denim color thread dial 6ch.
Next, knit the elastic band in rotary rows.
1-ch, 6sc
2-33p-ch, 6sc for the back loop.
Connect the strip in a circle.
Along the edge of the rubber band ınc knit 40sc.
Inc prepare 4 markers.
1p-set 1 marker, 10sc (in 10sc we put the second marker), 10sc (in 10sc we put the third
marker), 10sc (at 10sc we put the fourth marker), 10sc.
2p- (then we knit in rotary rows only at 10sc) -10sc,
3p-ch, 10sc, pov
4p-ch, 10sc, pov
5p-ch, 10sc, pov
6p-ch, 10sc, pov
7p-ch, 10sc, pov
8p-ch, 10sc, pov
9p-ch, 10sc, pov
10p-ch, 10sc, pov
11p-ch, 10sc, pov
12p-ch, 10sc, pov
13p-ch, 10sc, pov
14p-ch, 1sc, 5ch, ınc omit 2sc, 4sc, 5ch, ınc omit 2sc, 1sc
Next, knit along the ınc side, (1sc, 1ch) to the elastic.
In the elastic band ınc knit 10sc, 5ch, ınc omit 2sc, 6sc, 5ch, ınc omit 2sc, 10sc.
Next, knit on the left side, (1sc, 1ch) to the top.
Now we will knit from the waist to the bottom. Inc fasten the thread.
Further ınc the allowances to do almost in a magic ring each loop.
1p-ch, ıncx 46 times = 92
2-26p-ch, 92sc
27p-3ch, (1ch, ınc omit 1sc, 1cc1n) to the end of the row.
Fold the product so that it accurately divides the middle of the front and back. Include button. If a
it will be buttoned overalls, if not – a sundress.
We start with a white sole = 4pcs.
Hook number 2
1p-Dial 9 ch, with 2 from the hook of the magic ring loop ınc, 6sc, 4sc in the last point of the chain, on the other side
6sc, ınc.
ss we do not do a loop, we immediately knit sc of the next row.
In the magic ring, we tie 1ps to each row of ınc, and put a marker in it.
In the remaining rows do the same. The loop under the marker is considered the first loop of the row.
If the next row starts with ınc, then put the marker in the first loop of ınc
2p-ınc, 1sc, ınc, 4sc, ınc, 1sc, 2ınc, 1sc, ınc, 4sc, ınc, 1sc, ınc = 28
3p- (1sc, ınc) x 2 times, 6sc, (1hdc, ınc.hdc) x 4 times, 6sc, (ınc, 1sc) x 2 times = 36
4p-18sc, 2ınc, 16sc = 38
5p-4sc, ınc, 6sc, (ınc.hdc, 2hdc) x 6 times, 9sc = 46
Cut the thread, harbor. Connect the soles inside out to each other.
Insert an insole between them. Includes both soles with a string stitch in denim or blue thread.
Tie a lace braid, equal in length to the lift on the leg, from the left edge of the sole to
ınc your land. Incline a strip to the sole.
Tie a fastener in the form of a thin strip and ıncite to the braid along the bamic rings.
magic ring-vest magic ring
1p-dial 22 ch, pov
2p-second from the hookmagic ring loop 21sc, pov = 21
3p-ch, 21sc
4p-ch, 20sc, (1sc, 1hdc) in one loop = 22
5p-ch, in the first loop (1hdc, 1sc), 21sc, pov = 23
6p-ch, 23sc, 3ch, pov = 26
7p – from the second loop from the hook magic ring along a chain of 3ch- 2sc, 23sc, pov = 25
8p-ch, 25sc, 3ch, pov
9p – from the second loop from the hook of the magic ring along the chain of 3ch-2sc, 25sc, pov = 27
10p-ch, 27sc, pov (put a marker)
11p-without ch, from the second loop from the hook magic ring 26sc, pov
Incoima rumagic ringva12p-ch, 10sc, pov (not a full range)
13p-without ch, from the second loop from the hook magic ring 9sc, pov
14p-ch, 7sc, dec, pov = 8
15p-ch, 8sc, pov
16p-ch, 6sc, dec, pov = 7
17p-ch, 7sc, pov
18p-ch, 6sc, ınc, pov = 8
19p-ch, 8sc, pov
20p-ch, 7sc, ınc, pov = 9
21-ch, 9sc, pov
22p-ch, 8sc, ınc, pov = 10
23p-ch, 10sc, pov
24p-ch, 10sc, 16ch, ınc and connect 1sc into the loop under the marker, 1sc along the shoulder, turn.
The loop that ınc was tied to the shoulder is not included in the calculation!
25p-without ch, in a chain of 16ch-16sc, 10sc = 26
26p-ch, 26sc, ınc, ınc connect to the shoulder 1sc, 1sc on the shoulder, pov = 28
27p-ch, from the second loop from the hook magic ring 28sc, pov
28p-ch, 25sc, dec, pov
29p-without ch, 1sc ınc omit, 23sc, pov = 23
30p-ch, 21sc, dec, pov = 22
31p-ch, 22sc, pov
32p-ch, 5cc, 11sc, 6hdc, pov = 22
33p-ch, 22sc, pov = 22
34p-ch, 5cc, 11sc, 6hdc, pov = 22
35p-ch, 22sc, pov = 22
36p-ch, 5cc, 11sc, 6hdc, pov = 22
37p-ch, 22sc, pov = 22
38p-ch, 5cc, 11sc, 6hdc, pov = 22
39p-ch, 22sc, pov = 22
40p-ch, 21sc, ınc, pov = 23
41p-ch, 23sc, pov
42p-ch, 22sc, ınc, 5ch, pov = 29
43p-from the second loop from the hook magic ring 4sc by ch, 24sc, pov = 28
44p-ch, 28sc, pov
45p-ch, 1sc ınc omit (set marker), 27sc, pov = 27
Incoima rumagic ringva46p-ch, 10sc, pov = 10
47p-without ch, 1sc ınc omit, 9sc, pov = 9
48p-ch, 9sc, pov
49r-without ch, 1sc ınc omit, 8sc = 8
50p-ch, 8sc, pov
51p-without ch, 1sc ınc omit, 7sc, pov = 7
52p-ch, 7sc, pov
53p-ch, ınc, 6sc, pov = 8
54p-ch, 8sc, pov = 8
55p-ch, ınc, 7sc, pov = 9
56p-ch, 9sc, pov = 9
57p-ch, ınc, 8sc, pov = 10
58p-ch, 10sc, 16 ch, ınc and connect 1sc into the loop under the marker, 1sc along the shoulder,
The loop that ınc was tied to the shoulder is not included in the calculation!
59p-without ch, in a chain of 16ch-16sc, 10sc = 26
60p-ch, 26sc, ınc connect to the shoulder 1sc, 1sc on the shoulder, pov = 28
Loops on the shoulder are not included in the calculation!
61p-without ch, ınc; let two loops on the shoulder-ınc, 25sc = 27
62p-ch, 24sc, dec, pov = 25
63p-without ch, 1sc ınc omit, dec, 22sc, pov = 23
64p-ch, 21sc, dec, pov = 22
65p-without ch, 1sc ınc omit, 21sc, pov = 21
66p-ch, 21sc, pov
67p-ch, 21sc
Next, tie sc the whole product. In the corners knit 3sc in one loop. Then tie with a “doggie step”.
Fasten and cut the thread .;
Rumagic ringva- (knit at will), I wanted a vest.
Inc fasten the thread to the ıncoimic ring ring and knit the desired length.
The edge of the magic ring should be tied with a “dog step”.
Magic ring pockets – 2 pcs;
Knit the same way.
Knit in rotary rows.
1p-dial 8ch, pov
2-7p-ch, 7sc, pov
8p-ch, 5sc, pov
9p-ch, with the second off hook magic ring loop 4sc
10p-ch, 4sc
11p-ch, with the second from the hook magic ring loop 3sc
Tie sc around the entire edge, in the corners knit 3sc in one loop.